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We're working with some exciting brands on new projects. Our aim is to partner with businesses that share our commitment to quality and that have a passion for our region. Stay tuned for more...

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Pizza Dough

Pizza Dough

Fresh Yeast 100g

Fresh Yeast 100g

Wheat Sourdough Starter 20g

Wheat Sourdough Starter 20g

Banana Bread Granola

Banana Bread Granola

Cranberry & Stem Ginger Shortbread (Vegan)

Cranberry & Stem Ginger Shortbread (Vegan)

Rye Sourdough Starter 20g

Rye Sourdough Starter 20g

Dried Yeast Osmotolerant 50g

Dried Yeast Osmotolerant 50g

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